Awards Qualification & Explanation
2025 Nomination/Voting Round Dates

This award is presented to the outstanding individual, duo or group who showed the greatest overall success in the Texas/Red Dirt country music industry during the eligibility period. Voters should give consideration but not limited to recorded performance, success at radio, sales of prerecorded music, success of music videos, live concert ticket sales, songwriting and contributions to the Texas/Red Dirt country music industry. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot and are subject to the approval of the board. The winner shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA.
Award to Artist (1)
This award is presented to an outstanding individual male vocalist in the Texas/Red Dirt country music industry during the eligibility period. The artist must have charted a single in the TRRR Top 100 “Texas Only Top 100” chart at #60 or higher during the qualifying period. The factors to be considered in arriving at this award include, but are not limited to, success at radio, sales of prerecorded music, live concert ticket sales and vocal performances and contributions to the Texas/Red Dirt music industry. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot(s) and are subject to the approval of the board. The winner shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA.
Award to Artist (1)
This award is presented to an outstanding individual female vocalist in the Texas/Red Dirt country music industry during the eligibility period. The artist must have charted a single in the TRRR Top 100 “Texas Only Top 100” chart at #65 or higher during the qualifying period. The factors to be considered in arriving at this award include, but are not limited to, success at radio, sales of prerecorded music, live concert ticket sales and vocal performances and contribution to the Texas/Red Dirt music industry. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot(s) and are subject to the approval of the board. The winner shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA.
Awards to Artist (1)
A Band or Group is defined as an act, composed of three (3) or more people, all of whom normally perform together and none of whom is known primarily as an individual performing artist. This award is based on the musical performance of the group as a unit on a single or album. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot(s) and are subject to the approval of the board. The Band/Group must have charted a single in the TRRR Top 100 “Texas Only Top 100” chart at #60 or higher during the qualifying period. The factors to be considered in arriving at this award include, but are not limited to, success at radio, sales of pre-recorded music, live concert ticket sales and vocal performances and contributions to the Texas/Red Dirt music industry. The winner shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA.
Award to the Band/Group (2-5)
This Award goes to the duo. A duo is defined as an act composed of two people, both of whom normally perform together and neither of whom is known primarily as an individual performing artist. This Award is based on the musical performance of the duo as a unit on a Texas Red Dirt Country single, Album or EP as well as their overall contribution to Country Music. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot(s) and are subject to the approval of the board. The Duo must have charted a single in the TRRR Top 100 “Texas Only Top 100” chart at #60 or higher during the qualifying period. The factors to be considered in arriving at this award include, but are not limited to, success at radio, sales of pre-recorded music, live concert ticket sales and vocal performances and contributions to the Texas/Red Dirt music industry. The winner shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA.
Award to the Duo (2)
This award is for individual tracks only. This category will include both digital releases as well as hard copy releases. The track must have reached the top 60 of Texas Regional Radio Report “Texas Only Top 100” Chart, for the first time during the eligibility period. If the single charted in the top 60 on the above chart and was released prior to the eligibility period but achieved its highest chart position during the eligibility period, it is eligible unless it has previously appeared on a Final Ballot in this category in a prior eligibility period.
Award to Artist and Producer (2)
This award is for an album as a whole unit. The album should be judged on all aspects including, but not limited to, artist’s performance, musical background, engineering, packaging, design, artistic layout and liner notes. At least 20% of the product in the album must have first achieved regional prominence during the eligibility period by SoundScan if available. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot(s) and are subject to the approval of the board. The factors to be considered in arriving at this award include, but are not limited to, success at radio, sales of pre-recorded music, live concert ticket sales and vocal performances and contributions to the Texas/Red Dirt music industry. The winner shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA.
Award to Artist and Producer (2)
This award is for the songwriter(s) and named after one of Red Dirt’s premier singer/songwriter who set the pace for many in our industry. Any Texas/Red Dirt Country Music song with original words and music is eligible if it has reached and charted in the TRRR Top 100 singles chart during the eligibility period.
Award to Songwriter(s)(1-3)
This award is presented to the producer(s), director(s) and artist performing in an outstanding Texas country music video during the eligible calendar year of January 1 to December 31. Emphasis shall be placed on creativity, production, visual appeal and impact on the Texas music scene. Other factors to be considered include but not limited to, success at Texas radio of any single record for which the video was made, success at digital media, success on any accepted video chart as well as airplay on any national video channel would be a plus in consideration. The nominees are determined by the nomination ballots for consideration of the award. The nominations are subject to approval of the TRRG/TRRMA Board of Directors. All videos to be considered must be submitted to TRRMA via online access.
Awards to Producer, Director, Artist (3)
This award is presented to an outstanding individual male vocalist (herein called artist), female vocalist (herein called artist), duo/group/band featuring a vocalist (herein called “duo/group/band”) in the Texas/Red Dirt country music industry who gains either initial fame or significant recognition through their efforts during the eligibility period. The artist, duo/group/band must have charted a single in the TRRR “Texas Only Top 100” chart during the qualifying period. The nominees shall be determined by a nomination ballot(s) and are subject to the approval of the board. The winner in each New Artist category, New Male, New Female, New Duo/Group shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes.
Award to Male (1), Female (1)and Group/Duo (2-5)
This award is presented to an outstanding TRRR (terrestrial – AM or FM) Reporting Station panelist in each market by either the TRRMA membership or selected by a panel of Blue Ribbon Judges or both. The Top 5 final nominees in each market will be notified in advance of the TRR Music Awards show so they may make arrangements to be in attendance for the presentation of the award. Winners will be presented in each of the following markets: Super, Large, Medium, Small and Out-Of-Region. TRRMA Membership may submit a nomination for Radio Station and must be approved by the TRRMA Directors and or judges panel. The winner in each market shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes.
Award to Radio Station – One award (1)
This award is presented to an outstanding Texas/Red Dirt country music on-air radio personality in each market by either the TRRMA membership or selected by a panel of Blue Ribbon Judges or both. If the personality is a team (2-3 personalities) and are billed as a team for a minimum of ½ of the qualifying time period, they will be considered for the award. The Top 5 final nominees in each market will be notified in advance of the TRR Music Awards show so they may make arrangements to be in attendance for the presentation of the award. Winners will be presented in each of the following markets: Super, Large, Medium, Small and Out-of-Region. TRRMA Membership may submit a nomination for On-Air Radio Personality and must be approved by the TRRMA Directors and or judges panel. The winner in each market shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes
Award to On-Air Personality – One award (1) or Team (2-3)
This award is presented to an outstanding syndicated country music show selected by a panel of Blue Ribbon Judges with TRRMA membership nomination considerations. Syndicated Radio Show nominees/entrants must provide information showing that they air on a minimum of five (5) markets with a minimum of 36 shows airing in the submissions period of January 1st to December 10th. The Top 5 nominees will be notified in advance of the TRRMA Awards so they may make arrangements to be in attendance for the presentation of the award. The winner in each market shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes.
Award to Syndicated Show… one award (1)
This award is presented to an outstanding Texas/Red Dirt country music internet radio station selected by a panel of Blue Ribbon Judges and/or TRRMA membership nominations. Internet Radio station nominees/entrants must provide information showing that they have aired a minimum of 4000 hours within the submissions period of January 1st to December 10th. The Top 5 nominees will be notified in advance of the TRR Awards so they may make arrangements to be in attendance for the presentation of the award. The winner in each market shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes.
Award to Internet Radio Station… one award (1)
*Radio award dates change annually due to the voting timeline.
This event is defined as a festival/concert style event (indoors or outdoors) of FIVE (5) or more Texas/Red Dirt acts, all of whom are know primarily as qualified Texas/Red Dirt artist as described in the Texas Regional Radio Report website. The collaboration must promote Texas/Red Dirt music, is open to public attendance and have completed within the eligibility period of January 1 and December 31 of the award year. Event size, attendance, number of performing acts and the effort of promoting Texas/Red Dirt music should be considering factors in nominating and selecting the winner for this category. The winner in each market shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes.
Award to the Event (1)
This award shall be presented to an outstanding venue or nightclub who has featured, bought or promoted a minimum of seven (7) Texas/Red Dirt acts, all of whom are known primarily as qualified Texas/Red Dirt artists as described in the T3R website, Top 100 or T3R Top 200 chart for the current year in the qualified timeframe. The venue efforts must promote Texas/Red Dirt music, is open to public attendance and have completed within the eligibility period of January 1 and December 31 of the award year. Event size, attendance, number of performing acts and the effort of promoting Texas/Red Dirt music should be considering factors in nominating and selecting the winner for this category. The winner in each market shall be determined by a vote of the membership of the TRRMA. The Board of Directors shall approve the final votes.
Award to the Nightclub/Venue (1)
This award recognizes the contributions made by an outstanding individual, group, artist, band or Texas/Red Dirt music industry person who has exemplified extraordinary compassion and self-sacrifice in the promotion of community service, to those less fortunate than themselves, with no thought of profit or personal gain as representation of this Texas/Red Dirt music industry. Nominations are accepted from TRRMA membership, any local government official, clergy, etc. Nomination submission must include a 300 word or less explanation of the nomination or worthiness of the nominee for this award. The TRRMA/TRRG shall have final decision of the winner.
Award to Recipient (1)
Any questions, clarifications or comments, contact